
An opportunity for practicing gratitude & generosity

The gift of the Dhamma surpasses all other gifts,
the taste of the Dhamma surpasses all other tastes,
the love of the Dhamma surpasses all other loves,
destruction of craving overcomes all suffering.

~ Dhammapada 354

Following the tradition of generosity taught by the Buddha, the Dharma Teacher Order is
committed to making the Dharma available to all. We do this by training students who could be
invited to become ordained lay teachers and priests. The Buddhadharma Studies Institute does its
best to keep tuition costs low (currently $200 per year), choose books that are available at lower
costs (used, shared, online, or available at libraries), and support students through scholarships
(based on available funds). The many skills and roles necessary to sustain the DTO efforts, from
coordinating the Buddhadharma Studies Institute to organizing retreats, are also provided on a
volunteer basis

However, there are costs associated with maintaining this organization, such as our website and
online classes. We also rely entirely on tuition and donations to provide financial aid to retreat
attendees and to pay for the expenses of the monastics who attend our retreats.

Additionally, retreats are opportunities for practicing Dana offerings for attending monastics and
for the retreat center kitchen and housekeeping staff.

With this in mind, we invite and encourage all students, members, and friends of the Dharma
Teacher Order to consider practicing generosity by offering time, energy, expertise, and/or
financial support. Your generosity honors the gift of the Dharma, whose value surpasses all gifts.

As of the summer of 2024, the DTO has established an arrangement with Clover Clover logo, a Point Of Sale system, that allows donors to practice generosity to the DTO using any form of payment from their banks or from all major credit cards with no additional fees.